What are you thankful for this season?

Published on November 20, 2019 in

The holiday season is an exciting time. It can also be busy and stressful. There are gatherings to plan, gifts to buy and celebrations to attend. 

But for too many people in our community, the holidays bring bigger struggles. While some families fight traffic to attend a tree lighting, others just hope that the lights will be on when they get home. Some people stress over planning the perfect party, but others just hope to have a warm meal to eat. And while some battle the crowds to find the perfect gift at the mall, others just hope they’re able to stay in their home for the holidays. 

About 44 percent of households in our community struggle to make ends meet, and the harsh winter ahead will only make things more difficult as temperatures drop and utility bills rise.  It doesn’t take much to push many of these families into crisis mode. 

This Thanksgiving, let’s keep those who are struggling in mind. Sometimes, a simple smile or a quick hello is all it takes to turn someone’s day around. For those facing crisis, a phone call to United Way’s 2-1-1 can be the first step back toward stability. Your support of United Way makes it all possible. This and every day, we are thankful for you. 

From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.  

Darienne Driver Hudson, Ed.D.
President and CEO
United Way for Southeastern Michigan